Your sister, your friend

Dear Baby Girls,

Today the three of us were dancing and, for a change, you didn’t notice when I sat down. So you continued to dance, holding hands and smiling at each other. You both looked so very happy.

I hope you realise how lucky you are to have a sister. She’s a built-in best friend. Later in life this will mean living with your own personal hairdresser, stylist and confidant.

Please always be there for each other. Inevitably there will be times when you argue and I’m not sure anyone (other than maybe your mother) will ever be able to make you as angry as your sister. But through it all, never forget who she is to you.

I will be there for you whenever I possibly can but there will come a time when I can’t and the thought simply breaks my heart. But I know that whatever else happens you will always have each other and that comforts me.

So support each other. Help each other. And, most importantly, love each other. Even when you’re angry. Some forms of love can come and go but true love is caring for each other even when you’re angry.

Lots of love

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